a blog? a blog.
i feel like this has been a long time coming. i used to think blogs were just a place for people to put information that nobody cared about, or something people had so they could say they were a blogger… but what’s the point of having an opinion if we don’t share it with others? of having knowledge if we don’t share it with others? of having something to say if we don’t say it. i guess what i am trying to say is, thank you for being here and for caring about what i have to share.
i really want this to be a place where i can be helpful and i want it to be a safe space for honesty and learning new things and expanding horizons. i imagine the majority of eyes on this page are traffic from my instagram but however you are here, it’s good to have you.
i am a big fan of creating things and starting new endeavors with purpose, so i opened up a question sticker on my instagram story last month in preparation for starting this blog. i asked what people would want me to write about, because after all, i want this to be more than just for me. i was overwhelmed by the amount of response from people who apparently want to hear from me! i took some time to consolidate the results and filter them into some blog post topics that i will be following through on. here are some things you can expect to read about here:
tips on pursuing a career/side hustle in content creation
my personal brand—my logo and my “WHY”
how i stay inspired + how i get out of creative ruts
my faith journey (this will be a long one !!!)
how i come up with creative ideas and concepts for projects (i will dive into content creation as well as graphic design!)
how to stay organized and how i organize my ‘space’
photo editing tips + tutorials
where artistry and creativity meet mental health
the “scariest thing i have ever done”
my pet peeves (this is such a great suggestion!! i am going to see how i can spin pet peeves into a positive thing, i love that as a challenge)
what made me want to do content creation
a deep dive into all my creative passions/outlets
how i book brand deals
having a disneyland annual pass + my favorite disney movies/characters
how to balance content creation with work and my social life
i hope that you, reader, are as excited as i am to dive into these topics! please email me, message me on instagram or comment suggestions for what you would like to see from me here. a blog is a creative journey like any other.
all my love,